Saturday, January 16, 2010
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This one is difficult!!
I do like the idea too. I translated it to Portuguese, so. And I added my own idea of relating the objects with the represented words. The result is "A Palavra-Chave". I hope you like it and you don't mind I kinda "copied" your idea.
Kind regards,
This is one of my favourite art projects ever! you guys are rad!!
Brilliant little amy.
Amy and Luci you all are so lovely!
moo - yessss! moo makes some genius little things - if that's the moo you mean ;) (moo.com)
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If you have a history of illness that is difficult to recover, maybe our next article will help you to recover
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Great photography, as a professional bespoke event photographer, I really appreciate finding an interesting blog.
Sharing information about herbal treatment
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Sharing information about health and herbal remedies
Cara Mudah Mengobati Prurigo
Biaya Operasi Benjolan Di Leher Akibat Kelenjar Getah Bening
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